Energy project management consulting company in Neuilly sur Seine

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Energy project management consulting company in Neuilly sur Seine

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Energy project management consulting company in Neuilly sur Seine

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Energy project management consulting company in Neuilly sur Seine

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The company

ALCADE Management is a human-sized consulting company that values the personal qualities of its experts. In line with its sustainable development, the company supports its junior engineers through a mentoring system led by experts.


The energy sectors (Oil & Gas + Nuclear + Wind), pharmaceuticals, and construction (BTP) are the flagship sectors of ALCADE Management. The majority of our clients belong to these sectors.

Our areas of expertise revolve around project management. We provide both consultancy and technical solutions, both personal and from software and study partners.

We aspire to become a major player in large-scale project management and in supporting the deployment of Performance Management solutions.

In essence, we offer consultancy, high-performance software, training, skills, and expertise.


ALCADE Management was established in 2006 by B. Louvigny. Through the vision of its leader and the evolution of its activities, the company has since increased its workforce and the number of its clients, both in France and abroad.

The company has naturally expanded its presence to different countries to maintain a close structure with clients. We are currently present in France and Belgium.

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